
I'm trying to solve this problem without using an array:

Node replaceWithSum(Node root) {
   if (root == null) {
      return null;

   Queue<Node> q = new LinkedList();

   Node predecessor, successor = null;
   while(!q.isEmpty()) {
      Node node = q.peek();

      predecessor = node.left; //possible predecessor
      successor = node.right; //possible successor

      while (predecessor != null && predecessor.right != null) {
           predecessor = predecessor.right;

      while (successor != null && successor.left != null) {
           successor = successor.left;

      node.data = ((predecessor != null)? predecessor.data : 0) + ((successor != null)? 
                                                                   successor.data : 0)

      if (node.left != null) {
      if (node.right != null) {

   return root;

Using queue to traverse in level order. I understand space complexity is O(n). Could you please help me understand time complexity of this problem? If tree is skewed, worst case would be possible when we find predecessor/successor only for one node. So worst case for this problem, is when tree is balanced, so is time complexity O(nlogn)?

Thanks in advance!

while (predecessor != null && predecessor.right != null) { predecessor = predecessor.right; } Why are you doing this? If you do this it is not O(n).SomeDude
This is to find predecessor of that particular node.NewDev
Does this have any alternative solution without storing elements in array?NewDev

1 Answers


The time complexity is O(n). It's kind of like building a heap.

Suppose you have a full binary tree with height h.

You travel from the root to the leaves, suppose k is the level, it goes from 0 to h-1.

At level k, you have 2^k nodes. For each node, it at most needs to visit h-k node to find its predecessor and successor.

By wolframalpha, we could get this formula:

enter image description here

Obviously, it's equal to O(n).