Microsoft Bot Framework 4.9.1 (version of NuGet packages).
C#, .Net Core 2.1.
Client is simple web page. Test version here:
Type any message (eg. hi). Click button to send message to bot.
Bot shows an Adaptive Card (version 1.1). Markup for video taken from "product video" sample on adaptive card site.
Two problems:
1) In web chat (Win10, all major browsers), the "play" icon does not appear correctly. It is clipped on the right site.
Manually editing the height and width values in Chrome Dev Tools and setting the values to 1px, just as a test, causes the icon to display correctly, but
a) shouldn't have to do this b) no reasonable way to hack this with a CSS rule because the Bot Framework puts the width and height in a style element on the div, so a CSS rule won't change it
2) More important, on mobile, clicking the clipped icon doesn't do the right thing.
On desktop web, clicking the icon plays the video. Expected behavior.
On iPhone 6 and iPhone 7+ (latest iOS), clicking the icon causes the video to appear like it's going to play, but it never does. Not a matter of loading. It just sits there. If you click the icon again, then click it again, the video plays immediately. This is worse.
Things I have tried that do NOT fix or cover over the bugs:
1) Setting a poster image in the card. Image is displayed but doesn't change the clipped icon or the click to play not working on mobile.
2) Setting a playButton element in the card markup, to specify an image to display for the play button. Doesn't do anything. Yes, I declared the adaptive card version 1.1.
Here is the markup for the adaptive card:
"$schema": "",
"type": "AdaptiveCard",
"version": "1.1",
"fallbackText": "This card requires Media to be viewed. Ask your platform to update to Adaptive Cards v1.1 for this and more!",
"body": [
"type": "Media",
"sources": [
"mimeType": "video/mp4",
"url": ""
"actions": [
"type": "Action.OpenUrl",
"title": "Learn more",
"url": ""
How to fix these two bugs?
Adam Leffert