I am trying to display application insights and analytics in a web application dashboard page. Is there a way to fetch and display for example number of users as shown in the picture with the graph on a web application dashboard page from Azure portal? picture
1 Answers
Are you trying to do this in an "azure dashboard" ? if so, then the screenshot you are showing has a pin icon right above the chart, that would pin that view in the screenshot to an azure dashboard.
other options:
the queries that chart uses are available by pressing the logs button in the toolbar right above the chart.
you can use that query in the logs view and pin that result to an azure dashboard.
you can use that query in the azure workbooks view and pin that result to an azure dashboard
If you are trying to do this in some other kind of application/dashboarding tool, you could use the application insights /query REST API to run that query (or any query) and show the results anywhere you want.