I am trying to run a small piece of code to connect snowflake via python but I get the following error, I saw few documentations from the snowflake community but the answers don't seem to be convincing because it did not do much help. I will paste my code here, please let me know how you can help on this issue.
import snowflake.connector
conn = snowflake.connector.connect(user='domainname\username',password=password,account='account.region.snowflakecomputing.com',warehouse='dpt',database='dpt_test2',schema='qa')
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.execute("select * from customer")
print (cur.fetchone()[0])
snowflake.connector.errors.OperationalError: 250003: Failed to execute request: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='account.region.snowflakecomputing.com.snowflakecomputing.com', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /session/v1/login-request?request_id=01252974-4a6c-4534-88ee-a07a7d210c88&databaseName=ecs_dpt_test2&schemaName=qa&warehouse=ecs_dpt_l&request_guid=3f11ba57-71f4-4ce2-8252-c64e3f8e10 f0 (Caused by ProxyError('Cannot connect to proxy.', OSError('Tunnel connection failed: 403 Forbidden')))
in case I remove snowflake.computing.com from the account parameter I get an incorrect user name and password.