Ok, I am working on a media player app using flutter. Now when I press the play button, it changes to pause button. (Only the icon on the button changes)
The onPressed function for the button changes a boolean value and calls the setState()
It goes something like this.
bool _playing = false;
void _onPlayButtonPressed() {
setState () {
if (_playing)
_playing = false;
_playing = true;
I also have a function that returns the icon based on the value of _playing
Widget _playButtonIcon() {
//This function has no setState() call
if (_playing)
//return pause icon
//return play icon
Everything works fine. The icon changes everytime I press the button. However as mentioned in docs and also in Flutter Demo App, setState()
method calls the build method. Which redraws the entire widget tree including child widgets that are completely unchanged.
Is this approach justified or is this an overkill?
Do I have to put the button on a different Stateful Widget Class and call its build method via setState()
everytime I tap this playButton?
What if I have other widgets that also changes the state of UI. Possibly changing different widgets?
What is the proper way to do this without having a performance hit?