
There is an application Angular deployed on AWS S3 hosted as a static web application and Node JS as backend deployed on AWS EC2 with the Nginx and PM2 as production. Domain name was hosted on AWS Route 53. SSL certificate is on AWS too. I currently set up the Domain name to S3 bucket use AWS CloudFront and SSL on S3 it is work fine but the issue is can't set up domain to backend EC2 server any one who has meet this before please help. enter image description here

There is no options for ELB only S3 buckets can be choose for origin domain name

Try manually copy and paste the EC2/ELB URL.jellycsc
I tried manually copy and paste the EC2 public DNS but it can not add ccggplatform.com as domain. I tested it's not workLee George
What's ccggplatform.com?jellycsc
That's the domain name I hosted on Route 53 and for deploy Angular on S3 I created bucket named ccggplatform.com.Lee George
Sorry, I'm confused. Could you clarify the expected behaviour of this CloudFront distribution?jellycsc

1 Answers


Paste the domain name of the ELB into that value. Make sure it is public ally routable