I have the following format of data:
Machine | Production | Percentage | Measure | SUM of Measure
M1 | 153254 | 75.3 | 203524 | 1360290
M2 | 574285 | 71.4 | 804320 | 1360290
M3 | 237549 | 67.4 | 352446 | 1360290
TOTAL | 965088 | 71.3 |
Machine and Production are extracted from database. Percentage has it's calculated value. Measure is calculated by formula: Production / Percentage
I need to get the SUM of Measure column and populate it for each row. If I am trying to use simple SUMX(Measure,ALLSELECTED()), I have Total of Measure: Total Production / Total Percentage, but I need only the sum of Measure column.
Any ideas?