I've received warning like this
Warning: Each child in a list should have a unique "key" prop.%s%s See fb.me/react-warning-keys for more information.%s,
Check the render method of
., , in MainHeader (at MainScreen.js:164) in MainScreen (created by SceneView)
And it pointed to one of my component called MainHeader
and when i commented it, the warning is gone. Here's my MainHeader
looks like
const MainHeader = () => {
return (
<Header noLeft style={appStyles.headerBackgroundColor}>
<Title style={appStyles.appTitle}>Whatsapp</Title>
onPress={() => {
this.setState({searchMode: true})
<Icon type= 'Octicons' name= 'search'/>
<PopupMenu type= 'main'/>
As far as i know this warning only appeared in list, can someone explain to me what's going on?
Update: I feel like maybe something is wrong with my way using my component, because i tried to return it to null but the warning still appearing.
This is the line where i called my component
showAction ?
onBack= {resetChatSelected}
itemCount= {chatSelected.length}
ComponentRight= {ComponentRight}
/> :
. So it's better to share a minimal, reproducible example for us. – SMAKSSCheck the render method of MainScreen.
so maybe check the keys given in that file? – HMRnativebase
component, and i've just tried to return null but the warning still appearing @SMAKSS – Hanif Nr