
I am trying to configure login using Auth0. As part of the initial steps, I created an application and added Allowed Callback URLs and Allowed Logout URLs. I have no hosted pages in /login, /login-results, /logout routes. I am just trying to learn working of Auth0 by getting the JWT token and test it in http://jwt.io/.

enter image description here

I tried to use the login UI flow which available out of the box in Auth0. I created the login URL as mentioned in this doc to hit this endpoint

GET https://YOUR_DOMAIN/authorize?audience=API_IDENTIFIER&scope=SCOPE&response_type=code&client_id=YOUR_CLIENT_ID&redirect_uri=https://YOUR_APP/callback&state=STATE

But I am getting this error while executing the endpoint which I created using the credentials of my application with above-mentioned callback URL.

enter image description here

Endpoint which I generated:


What is the actual issue? Am I missing any other configurations?

I sat for hours with this error and tried various methods but it didn't work. But then I created another tenant, carefully, yes I followed the same steps, it worked. I know its strange, but it worked. As far as I did I had put the same API identifier as audience, and sure that I followed the steps to create an Appilication and API.Kavin Raju S

1 Answers


Service Not Found

This error message points to that you passed non existent API identifier as audience. Check that API is created in the API section of Dashboard.