
In looking at the sqitch docs, there’s a situation I don’t immediately understand how to deal with.

Like probably many organizations, we progress changes through several environments before they reach production. In our situation, we have a different DBA user on a different Oracle server for each environment, each with its own credentials.

As I understand it, sqitch uses database tables to track what changes have been applied to a server. Maybe I’m dumb, but it just doesn’t jump out at me how sqitch can tell me if a change has been applied to a UAT server, but not yet to a production server.

So basically, I’d like to organize a repository to move changes from one DB environment to the next. Might this be what “sqitch target” and plan files are for? Are there examples I can look at?


2 Answers


If I were you, I would create a centralized DB with DB links to points to each database. After that, I would create an Union of all Repositories and a View (with PIVOT function) to see the deployement path of each patch.


To deploy to multiple environments it would depend on how you're running your sqitch deploy command.

You use the sqitch.conf to declare various targets.


    engine = oracle
    top_dir = SQL

[engine "snowflake"]
    reworked_dir = SQL/rework

[target "DEV"]
    uri = "db:oracle:DEV_DB"

[target "QA"]
    uri = "db:oracle:QA_DB"

[target "PROD"]
    uri = "db:oracle:PROD_DB"

With that sqitch.conf setup you can now run deploy to target the required environments.


sqitch deploy --target DEV
sqitch deploy --target QA
sqitch deploy --target PROD

You won't be able to compare deployments from one environment to another unfortunately.

You can use the sqitch check --target <xxx> command to check for divergences between the planned and deployed changes as stated here: https://sqitch.org/docs/manual/sqitch-check/.

However I've found this to not work properly at times. I haven't been able to determine the exact cause as yet but you're welcome to run the command to check.