I've been reading through SICP (Structure and Interpration of Computer Programs) and was really excited to discover this wonderful special form: "make-environment", which they demonstrate to use in combination with eval as a way of writing modular code (excerpt from section 4.3 on "packages"):
(define scientific-library
(define (square-root x)
They then demonstrate how it works with
((eval 'square-root scientific-library) 4)
In their example, they then go on to demonstrate exactly the usage that I would want - an elegant, minimalist way of doing the "OO" style in scheme... They "cons" together a "type", which is actually what was returned by the "make-environment" special form (i.e. the vtable), and an arg ("the state")...
I was so excited because this is exactly what I've been looking for as a way to do polymorphic dispatch "by symbol" in Scheme without having to write lots of explicit code or macros.
i.e. I want to create an "object" that has, say, two functions, that I call in different contexts... but I don't want to refer to them by "car" and "cdr", I want to both declare and evaluate them by their symbolic names.
Anyway, when I read this I couldn't wait to get home and try it.
Imagine my disappointment then when I experienced the following in both PLT Scheme and Chez Scheme:
> (make-environment (define x 3))
Error: invalid context for definition (define x 3).
> (make-environment)
Error: variable make-environment is not bound.
What happened to "make-environment" as referenced in SICP? It all seemed so elegant, and exactly what I want, yet it doesn't seem to be supported in any modern Scheme interpreters?
What's the rationale? Is it simply that "make-environment" has a different name?
More information found later
I took at look at the online version:
I was reading was the first edition of SICP. The second edition appears to have replaced the discussion on packages with a section on non-deterministic programming and the "amp" operator.