Hello, I'm curious what the value "d42e20054116c49d5242d3ff9e1913acccebe6015f449d6e312a5bc160e79a62" represents in the slice of the lockfile above. I've tried reading through the mix source code and feel like it has something to do with git, but I can't pinpoint it exactly.
The lock-related module in the mix source code has read and write lock methods (https://github.com/elixir-lang/elixir/blob/5984c6cc29a41d5bc78d49427730c8786d75e2c9/lib/mix/lib/mix/dep/lock.ex#L13) but doesn't say much about the map it deals with. The tests don't seem to hint at what this value represents either: https://github.com/elixir-lang/elixir/blob/9e40b8f786625b2f036ce9c2467cd0a8ade35ce6/lib/mix/test/mix/dep/lock_test.exs.
I thought it might be a git commit hash (either produced by my machine locally or pulled from the dependency's repo. I didn't find that hash in either place.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!