
I am trying to use a template to deploy a managed Kubernetes cluster (AKS). My problem is that the template has a parameter aadSessionKey that I seem to be unable to locate.

I assume the expanded name of the parameter is Azure AD SessionKey. When I look in the portal, I can see that my Azure AD has a Name, Application ID and Object ID, but nothing that looks like a session key, nor a way to generate such a thing.

I am using a free trial account if that matters.

Can you show this template?Krzysztof Madej
How do you get that template and what's the detail content? Based on these article: Create an AKS cluster; Deploy a managed Kubernetes Cluster (AKS)., there isn't such parameters. Or do you mean there is input box in Kubernetes deploy task in Azure DevOps?starian chen-MSFT
Does Azure DevOps means Azure DevOps pipeline? Which task you used?starian chen-MSFT
Are there any updates for this issue?starian chen-MSFT

1 Answers


Can you try entering any random value and try deploying it. It seems like this is system generated value which is not to be filled by clients. This has been present in template for some other reason.

Ref - https://twitter.com/ashtonkj/status/1196384865672925184