
I added a Docker task in the build pipeline to build and push the image I created to Docker Hub.

Then, I added two more tasks (copy files and publish build artifacts) so that the files are available to the release pipelines.

Now, I want to know how to run this image (docker run), so that the container gets deployed to my Ubuntu server instance (

What tasks should I add in the release pipeline to deploy the image to the server

enter image description here

Hi @Vignesh Swaminathan Did you check out below solution of using ssh task? It seems working. You can accept it as answer if it works for you.Levi Lu-MSFT

1 Answers


You can use the ssh task to ssh to the remote server (

Use docker stop, docker pull, and docker run to update your image.

You can set and use the $(tag) variable to set the tag of the image.

  tag: latest