I have a vCard-solution that worked fine with TYPO3 version 8 and realURL but doesn't work with TYPO3 9.5.
vCard is triggered with an URL like: mywebsite.de/de/vcard.html?staffid=123&type=5000
1) staffid=123 loads the values of staff member with ID 123 into the vCard:
[globalVar = GP:staffid=123]
VCARD_name = vcard-schneider-martin.vcf
N_name = N:Schneider;Martin;;;Martin Schneider
2) in order to load the special PAGE type the TypoScript is:
vCard = PAGE
vCard {
typeNum = 5000
config {
disableAllHeaderCode = 1
additionalHeaders = Content-Type:text/x-vcard|Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="{$VCARD_name}"
How does the routeEnhancers (of config.yaml) has to be configured in order to make TYPO3 9.5 starting the vCard PAGE object with typeNum=5000 and render the vCard for the team member with the current value of GP variable "staffid" (from the URL)?