
Install isito in eks cluster using helm as follows: helm install istio --namespace istio-system --set grafana.enabled=true --set kiali.enabled=true --set prometheus.enabled=true --set tracing.enabled=true istio.io/istio

But didn't enable the 'sds' and found that by default it false. It will be possible to update the istio installation with helm to enable sds or I have to redo everything again.


2 Answers


Use helm upgrade and pass the desired parameters as part of that command.


As @Argya Sadhu mentioned you can

Use helm upgrade and pass the desired parameters as part of that command.

I would add few things to his answer.

helm installation options

There is istio documentation with helm installation options, you can find your desired parameters mentioned by @Argya Sadhu here.

Istio documentation about sds, ingress with cert-menager

If you take a look at this istio documentation 1.5 everything is done with istioctl, but you still should be able to do it with helm.

If you take a look at older istio docs, for example 1.2, they use helm there instead.

Additional informations

As mentioned in istio documentation here

The Helm installation approach will be deprecated in the future. We recommend Installing with istioctl, instead.

If you think about using istio for longer time I would suggest to take a look at istioctl or istio operator.

Hope you find this useful.