
I have a bluetooth connection between a Raspberry Pi 3b+ and an Arduino Mega, using the RPi built-in module, and an HC-05 module on the Arduino. Bi-directional communication works like a charm, for minutes to sometimes, hours at a time.

Then, at seemingly random times, the python code hangs, blocked on the sock.recv() function. I can kill it via ctrl-c, and restart it, and it usually reconnects without a problem.

I know Bluetooth is a little finicky and so while any suggestions of how to make the communication more robust and extend the runtime-until-hanging are definitely appreciated, what I'm more interested in is how to detect this "hanging" and recover from it. i.e.: I want to just kill the connection and try to reconnect from within the Python program, rather than me having to see this myself and react to it.

This is what I have so far in python:


import datetime
import socket
import sys
import time

import bluetooth

LOGFILE = 'bt.log'

def SearchForFullCommand(buffer):
  """Puts fully formed commands from buffer into a list, returning the remaining buffer.

  We expect commands to be demarcated by COMMAND_START_CHAR and COMMAND_END_CHAR.  The
  buffer may have zero or more such commands. This function finds all demarcated commands,
  strips off those demarcations, and returns the remaining buffer.  Any text that arrives
  before a COMMAND_START_CHAR is discarded.

    buffer: string representing the text received so far.

    A 2-tuple, where the first element is the remaining buffer, and the second element
    is a potentially empty list of identified commands.
  commands = []
  while COMMAND_END_CHAR in buffer:
    end_pos = buffer.find(COMMAND_END_CHAR)
    if COMMAND_START_CHAR in buffer[:end_pos]:
      start_pos = buffer.find(COMMAND_START_CHAR) + len(COMMAND_START_CHAR)
    buffer = buffer[end_pos+len(COMMAND_END_CHAR):]
  return (buffer, commands)  # no command found

def Log(s):
  """Appends message s to the logfile."""
  with open(LOGFILE, 'a') as f:
    f.write('%s\n' % s)

def ConnectBluetooth(address, port):
  """Attempts to make one connection to the given address and port."""
  sock = bluetooth.BluetoothSocket(bluetooth.RFCOMM)
  sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
    sock.connect((address, port))
  except (bluetooth.btcommon.BluetoothError) as e:
    Log('Failed to connect: %s' % e)
    return None
  return sock

def ConnectBluetoothRetry(address, port, seconds):
  """Attempts to make connections for a number of seconds, exiting program on fail."""
  second = 0
  while second < seconds:
    sock = ConnectBluetooth(address, port)
    if sock:
      Log('Connected after %d seconds' % second)
      return sock
    second += 1
  Log('Failed to connect after %d seconds' % second)

def main():
  """Sends sequential numbers over bluetooth, and receives & parses anything sent."""
  sys.stderr = open(LOGFILE, 'a')

  start = time.time()
  timestring = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(start).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
  Log('Started at %s' % timestring)

  bd_addr = '98:D3:11:FC:42:16'
  port = 1
  sock = ConnectBluetoothRetry(bd_addr, port, 10)

  buffer = ''
  x = 0

  while True:
      recv = sock.recv(1024)
    except (bluetooth.btcommon.BluetoothError) as e:
      Log('Failed to receive: %s' % e)
      sock = ConnectBluetoothRetry(bd_addr, port, 10)
    Log('.. %s (len=%d) after running for %.3f hours' % (
        recv, len(recv), (time.time() - start) / 60**2))
    buffer += recv.decode()
    buffer, commands = SearchForFullCommand(buffer)
    if commands:
      for n, command in enumerate(commands):
        Log('Received full command #%d: %s' % (n, command))

    except (bluetooth.btcommon.BluetoothError) as e:
      Log('Failed to send %s: %s' % (send, e))
      sock = ConnectBluetoothRetry(bd_addr, port, 10)
    Log('Sent %s' % send)

    x += 1


When working well, the python log file looks like this:

.. b'646>' (len=4) after running for 0.843 hours
Received full command #0: 646
Sent <2526>
.. b'<647>' (len=5) after running for 0.843 hours
Received full command #0: 647
Sent <2527>
.. b'<' (len=1) after running for 0.844 hours
Sent <2528>
.. b'648>' (len=4) after running for 0.844 hours

Then, noticing it had stopped working, I killed it, and then restarted it:

Started at 2020-05-03 11:15:07
Failed to connect: [Errno 16] Device or resource busy
Failed to connect: [Errno 16] Device or resource busy
Failed to connect: [Errno 16] Device or resource busy
Failed to connect: [Errno 16] Device or resource busy
Failed to connect: [Errno 16] Device or resource busy
Failed to connect: [Errno 16] Device or resource busy
Failed to connect: [Errno 16] Device or resource busy
Failed to connect: [Errno 16] Device or resource busy
Failed to connect: [Errno 16] Device or resource busy
Failed to connect: [Errno 16] Device or resource busy
Failed to connect after 10 seconds

I try again:

Started at 2020-05-03 11:15:42
Failed to connect: [Errno 112] Host is down
Failed to connect: [Errno 112] Host is down
Failed to connect: [Errno 112] Host is down
Connected after 3 seconds
.. b'1146><1147><1148><1149><1150><1151><1152><1153><1154><1155><1156><1157><1158><1159><1160><1161><1162><1163><1164><1165><1166><1' (len=127) after running for 0.005 hours
Received full command #0: 1147
Received full command #1: 1148
Received full command #2: 1149

... and it runs for another hour or two, before hanging again. I'm not physically moving either sender or receiver - they're within a foot of each other - so it's not range. Though I have tried disconnecting the Arduino, and repowering it, and they do reconnect without a problem within the still-running Python process.

The Arduino code, though I don't think its as relevant, is here:

long n = 1;

void setup() 

    // HC-05 default serial speed for communcation mode is 9600

void loop() 
    if(Serial1.available() > 0){ // Checks whether data is comming from the serial port
      Serial.println(Serial1.readString());} // Reads the data from the serial port

Thanks for any help or suggestions!

What happens if n > long (not the problem in a few hours) . Try replacing the if(Serial1.available() > 0) with while (Serial1.available() > 0) and delete the delay(1000)Codebreaker007
Thanks, @Codebreaker007. You're right - eventually, n will overflow. This is code to verify the BT reliability, not the actual messages I'll be sending back & forth. Making the changes you suggested allows the Arduino to send a lot faster, sending multiple <n> "commands" before python gets to parse... but doesn't change the overall behavior of hanging after some time (minutes on one test), with same recovery pattern (i.e.: reconnects after one or a few ctrl-c and starting the python program again).David W
I should add that it seems to arrive at the hanging problem much faster - minutes to tens of minutes; never more than thirty minutes, with the delay(1000) removed.David W
Is the Arduino/HC-05 powered properly?.Wall wart 5-9V, min 1A. not via USB or batteries. HC-05 RX pin (data in) connected via voltage divider or similar NOT directly and the HC-05 led double quick flash every 2 seconds – connected to another device for all the connection timeCodebreaker007
It is connected correctly with respect to voltage divider, and it does flash quickly when not connected, and then double flash when my program is running fine. However, I am using USB, not wall wart. I'll switch to using wall wart and do some testing, see how that goes, and add comments following that - thanks again, @Codebreaker007!David W

1 Answers


I could not get the socket connection to last more than a few hours despite a few days of different approaches & efforts; I only went down the socket rabbit hole because I was unable to figure out how to use pySerialTransfer, or even just serial, over bluetooth.

So, going back to the serial approach, after a bit more effort and investigation, I was ultimately able to get that approach working for a stable (over 1 day at this point) bluetooth connection between Raspberry Pi & HC-05 on Arduino.

Code is here.