
I'm testing code downloading large files (approx 1mb OTA binary file) from a server

The error happens midway through the download:

-> E (15787) task_wdt: Task watchdog got triggered. The following tasks did not reset the watchdog in time:
-> E (15787) task_wdt:  - async_tcp (CPU 0/1)
-> E (15787) task_wdt: Tasks currently running:
-> E (15787) task_wdt: CPU 0: IDLE0
-> E (15787) task_wdt: CPU 1: IDLE1
-> E (15787) task_wdt: Aborting.
-> abort() was called at PC 0x400e16af on core 0

My current understanding based on this ESP32 github link, is that the download process is blocking the ESP from performing necessary background functions.

The failure happens (in the code below) during a while() loop that runs a client.read() to fetch the file from a server.

I tried testing delay() and vTaskDelay() to see if they might help. Wasn't sure if that frees things up or just further adds to any task blocking. Neither helped. (and I think they're the same function anyway, correct?)

I'm not 100% sure blocking is even the issue. Monitoring the download using a Serial.println(thisClient.available()) showed the bytes remaining going from about 7k to around 5k before jumping backup to 7k -- and doing that repeatedly. That suggests a possible a server issue. BUT that same server, downloading the same file to a JS-coded ajax request works just fine.

The test code below is adapted from an Espressif OTA Example. I'm still new to C++, so forgive the use of String over char arrays. Having trouble working with those chars.

#include <WiFi.h>
#include <Update.h>
#include "AsyncJson.h"
#include "ArduinoJson.h"

AsyncWebServer EspServer(80);

void setup(){

    const char* ClientSsid = "***";
    const char* ClientPwd = "***";
    Serial.print("Connecting to LAN ");
    WiFi.begin(ClientSsid, ClientPwd);
    int CreepConnect;
    while (WiFi.status()!=WL_CONNECTED && CreepConnect<30){
    Serial.println(" on SSID " + WiFi.SSID() + " at " + String(WiFi.localIP()));

    EspServer.on("*", HTTP_POST, [](AsyncWebServerRequest * Req){
        AsyncWebParameter* keyVal=Req->getParam(0);
        String key=keyVal->name();
        String val=keyVal->value();
        if(key=="req" && val=="execOTA"){
            Req->send(200, "text/plain", "Updating...");
            //EspServer.end(); //Tested disabling server
            Serial.println("Request ignored");
            Req->send(200, "text/plain", "Request ignored");
    //execOTA();  This does work.  It only fails under the callback above.

String execOTA(){
    WiFiClient thisClient;
    IPAddress thisHost(192, 168, 1, 10);
    char thisPath[]="/testBigFile.ino.esp32.bin"; //Big = about 800k OTA bin file
    String thisPart, theseHeaders, thisBody;
    if(!thisClient.connect(thisHost, 8465)){
        Serial.println("Connection Failed");
        return "{\"Error\":\"Connection Failed\"}";
    Serial.println("Connection succeeded");
    Serial.print("thisClient.available(): ");
    String thisReq=String("GET ") + String(thisPath) + " HTTP/1.1\r\n" +
        "Host:\r\n" +
        "Cache-Control: no-cache\r\n" +
        "Connection: close\r\n\r\n";
    Serial.println("thisReq: " + thisReq);
    unsigned long timeout = millis();
    while(thisClient.available()==0) {
        if(millis()-timeout > 5000){
            Serial.println("Client timed out");
            Serial.println("Client timed out");
            return "{\"Error\":\"Client timed out\"}";

    Serial.println("Headers Begin");
            String thisLine=thisClient.readStringUntil('\n');
                Serial.println("Headers Complete:\n" + theseHeaders + "\n------\n");
        }else{ //*** Task Watchdog Error happens in this block, after about 50 successful character reads with delay ***
            char thisChar=thisClient.read();
            //delay(10); //Tested at various durations to see if it adds to or frees up blocking.  It seems to add further blocking?
            //vTaskDelay(15); //Also tested, at various durations.
    Serial.println("Body Complete");
    return "{\"Headers\":\"" + theseHeaders + "\",\"Body\":\"" + thisBody + "\"}";

String getHeaderValue(String header, String headerName){
    return header.substring(strlen(headerName.c_str()));

Where is this code running? Inside loop()? Or in a callback? The error you quoted mentions async_tcp - are you using the EasyAsyncTCP library?romkey
Look at this example and work from there on: github.com/espressif/arduino-esp32/blob/master/libraries/… If you want to rewrite the functionality of the lib look into it and copy what you needCodebreaker007
romkey: I edited the OP to answer your questions, including the full code. Summarized: the code is running inside callback. The libraries are <WiFi.h>, <Update.h>, "AsyncJson.h", "ArduinoJson.h" The idea is to accommodate curl/ajax requests along the lines of curl -d 'req=execOTA' The execOTA function runs just fine outside the callback, if you run it on bootup. It only fails when wrapped in the callback.WhatsYourFunction
Codebreaker007: Thanks for that. Looking into it.WhatsYourFunction
RE ArduinoOTA -- so far haven't been able to see how it would be used to retrieve an update from a remote server.WhatsYourFunction

1 Answers


You're doing too much in the HTTP callback. While the callback is running, the watchdog timer can't be reset. If that happens for too long you'll get the error you're seeing - Task watchdog got triggered. The big clue is that it happens in the async_tcp task.

Try rewriting your code so that the HTTP_POST handler sets a global variable to indicate that execOTA() needs to be called, rather than calling it itself. Then have loop() do the heavy lifting.

Something like this:

boolean exec_ota_flag = false;

void setup() {


    EspServer.on("*", HTTP_POST, [](AsyncWebServerRequest * Req){
        AsyncWebParameter* keyVal=Req->getParam(0);
        String key=keyVal->name();
        String val=keyVal->value();
        if(key=="req" && val=="execOTA"){
            exec_ota_flag = true;
            Req->send(200, "text/plain", "Updating...");


void loop() {
  if(exec_ota_flag) {
      exec_ota_flag = false;

Also the while loop in execOTA needs a delay() call. Try something like this:

    while(thisClient.available()==0) {
        if(millis()-timeout > 5000){

When you call delay() you give other tasks a chance to run, which will let the watchdog timer be reset.