What kinds of hook scripts are people using for Subversion? Just general ideas but code would be great too!
16 Answers
I am using the pre-revprop-change
hook that allows me to actually go back and edit comments and such information after the commit has been performed. This is very useful if there is missing/erroneous information in the commit comments.
Here I post a pre-revprop-change.bat
batch file for Windows NT or later. You
can certainly enhance it with more modifications. You can also derive a
from it to back up the old snv:log
somewhere or just to append it to the new log.
The only tricky part was to be able to actually parse the stdin from
the batch file. This is done here with the FIND.EXE
The other thing is that I have had reports from other users of issues with the use of the /b
with the exit
command. You may just need to remove that /b
in your specific application if error cases do not behave well.
set repos=%1
set rev=%2
set user=%3
set propname=%4
set action=%5
:: Only allow changes to svn:log. The author, date and other revision
:: properties cannot be changed
if /I not '%propname%'=='svn:log' goto ERROR_PROPNAME
:: Only allow modifications to svn:log (no addition/overwrite or deletion)
if /I not '%action%'=='M' goto ERROR_ACTION
:: Make sure that the new svn:log message contains some text.
set bIsEmpty=true
for /f "tokens=*" %%g in ('find /V ""') do (
set bIsEmpty=false
if '%bIsEmpty%'=='true' goto ERROR_EMPTY
goto :eof
echo Empty svn:log properties are not allowed. >&2
echo Only changes to svn:log revision properties are allowed. >&2
echo Only modifications to svn:log revision properties are allowed. >&2
exit /b 1
If you have a mix of unix and Windows users working with the repository, I urge you to use the case-insensitive.py pre-commit hook-script as a precautionary measure. It prevents hard-to-sort-out situations where svn updates fail for Windows users because of a file rename which only changed the case of the file name. Believe me, there is a good chance it will save you trouble.
We use FogBugz for bug tracking, it provides subversion commit scripts that allow you to include a case number in your check in comments and then associates the bug with the check in that fixed it. It does require a WebSVN instance to be set up so that you have a web based viewer for your repository.
several things we use them for:
- integrating with the bug tracker (Trac in our case - a commit message that says 'Closes #514' automatically marks that bug as closed
- integrating with the build integration (buildbot in our case - a commit to a watched branch triggers a build
- pre-commit hook for validating the commit - we use svnchecker. It validates our Python code for PEP8 correctness
- sending checkin mails to a mailing list
- running indentation scripts
For those who are looking for a pre-revprop-change.bat for a snvsync operation :
set user=%3
if /I '%user%'=='syncuser' goto ERROR_REV
exit 0
:ERROR_REV echo "Only the syncuser user may change revision properties" >&2
exit 1
It just comes from here : http://chestofbooks.com/computers/revision-control/subversion-svn/Repository-Replication-Reposadmin-Maint-Replication.html and has been adapted for Windows.
I'm using post-commit hooks (I think it's this one) to post a message to a forum on Basecamp for each commit. Two advantages:
As the lead developer, I get a roll-up of commits every morning (via the RSS feed from that basecamp forum) and can see what my team has been up to pretty quickly.
Our Trac/SVN install is behind our firewall, so this gives my higher-ups in other locations a window into what we're doing. They might not understand it, but to a manager a lot of activity looks like, well, a lot of activity ;)
I guess the end result of this is similar to what @Aviv is doing.
I'm looking into solutions for building the latest commit on a separate server for continuous integration, but I'm going to have to change the way we make changes to our database schema before that will work.
This was discussed on the subversion users mailing list a while ago. This post in particular has some useful ideas.
post-commit hook to send email notification that something changed in the repository to a list of emails. You need sendmail.exe in the same folder than your hook file, along with sendmail.ini.
You also need a file post-commit.tos.txt next to your post-commit.cmd to list the mail recipients. The file should contain:
[email protected],[email protected],[email protected]
Here is the hook code:
:: Get subversion arguments
set repos=%~1
set rev=%2
:: Set some variables
set tos=%repos%\hooks\%~n0.tos.txt
set reposname=%~nx1
set svnlookparam="%repos%" --revision %rev%
if not exist "%tos%" goto :END
:: Prepare sendmail email file
set author=
for /f "tokens=* usebackq" %%g in (`svnlook author %svnlookparam%`) do (
set author=%%g
for /f "tokens=* usebackq delims=" %%g in ("%tos%") do (
set EmailNotificationTo=%%g
set SendMailFile=%~n0_%reposname%_%rev%.sm
echo To: %EmailNotificationTo% >> "%SendMailFile%"
echo From: %reposname%[email protected] >> "%SendMailFile%"
echo Subject: [%reposname%] Revision %rev% - Subversion Commit Notification >> "%SendMailFile%"
echo --- log [%author%] --- >> "%SendMailFile%"
svnlook log %svnlookparam% >> "%SendMailFile%" 2>&1
echo --- changed --- >> "%SendMailFile%"
svnlook changed %svnlookparam% --copy-info >> "%SendMailFile%" 2>&1
echo .>> "%SendMailFile%"
:: Send email
type "%SendMailFile%" | "%~dp0sendmail.exe" -t
:: Clean-up
if exist "%SendMailFile%" del "%SendMailFile%"
We check the following with our hook scripts:
- That a commit log message has been supplied
- That a reviewer has been specified for the commit
- That no automatically generated code or banned file types land up in the repository
- Send an email out when a branch / tag is created
We still want to implement the following:
- Send an email when a user acquires a lock on a file
- Send an email when your lock has been stolen
- Send an email to everyone when a revision property has been changed
Windows pre-commit hook to check that log contains something.
:: Get subversion arguments
set repos=%~1
set txn=%2
:: Set some variables
set svnlookparam="%repos%" -t %txn%
:: Make sure that the new svn:log message contains some text.
set bIsEmpty=true
for /f "tokens=* usebackq" %%g in (`svnlook log %svnlookparam%`) do (
set bIsEmpty=false
if '%bIsEmpty%'=='true' goto ERROR_EMPTY
echo Allowed. >&2
goto :END
echo Empty log messages are not allowed. >&2
:: You may require to remove the /b below if your hook is called directly by subversion
exit /b 1
I forgot to enter a comment while committing. Didn't have time to figure out why my pre-revprop-change hook wasn't working. So the following svnadmin command worked for me to enter a commit message:
svnadmin setlog <filesystem path to my repository> --bypass-hooks -r 117 junk
where "junk" is the file containing the text which I wanted to be the comment. svn setlog help
has more usage info...