I am trying to setup an azure app service that uses Azure AD as Authentication provider and lock down the access to AD only via ARM template.
Basically from "Allow Anoymous requests (no action)"
to "Log in with Azure Active Directory"
I figured it must be one of the property under properties -> siteAuthSettings, but it doesnt seem to work. Here is my template:
"apiVersion": "2015-04-01",
"name": "web",
"type": "config",
"dependsOn": [
"[resourceId('Microsoft.Web/sites', parameters('webAppName'))]"
"properties": {
"siteAuthEnabled": true,
"siteAuthSettings": {
"enabled": true,
"httpApiPrefixPath": null,
"unauthenticatedClientAction": 0,
"tokenStoreEnabled": null,
"allowedExternalRedirectUrls": null,
"defaultProvider": 0,
"clientId": "[parameters('clientId')]",
"clientSecret": null,
"issuer": "[parameters('issuerUrl')]",
"allowedAudiences": null,
"additionalLoginParams": null,
"isAadAutoProvisioned": false,
"aadClientId": "[parameters('clientId')]",
"openIdIssuer": "[parameters('issuerUrl')]",
"googleClientId": null,
"googleClientSecret": null,
"googleOAuthScopes": null,
"facebookAppId": null,
"facebookAppSecret": null,
"facebookOAuthScopes": null,
"twitterConsumerKey": null,
"twitterConsumerSecret": null,
"microsoftAccountClientId": null,
"microsoftAccountClientSecret": null,
"microsoftAccountOAuthScopes": null
Can't seem to figure it out, any suggestions are welcome! ????