Hello i have some problems to do a pl/sql trigger . I want to do a trigger that do a "history". I create a table that i record the sout of the trigger with this code:
create table control(
camp1 varchar2(255)
It doesn't works yet but we are close. Now with help of user:7623856 when i execute this is what appears enter image description here I work in SQL Developer and oracle 11
This is the new code
create or replace trigger t_auditar_alta_empleat
after insert on empleats
for each row
if :new.codi_dept is null then
insert into control values('Alta empleat amb codi' || :new.codi_emp);
insert into control values('Alta empleat amb codi' || :new.codi_emp || 'amb el codi de departament '|| new:codi_dept);
end if;
And appears a new error.
5/3 PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored 5/109 PLS-00049: bad bind variable 'CODI_DEPT' 5/109 PL/SQL: ORA-00917: missing comma Errores: comprobar log de compilador*