
How to host Nuxt Static web app in AWS S3?

Firstly, I have tried and known how to generate static static SPA files in ./dist by calling nuxt generate.

Secondly, AWS S3 supports static web hosting, but it seems that the site have to be accessed by visiting the 'index.html' in that bucket.

So, I came to this problem, for example, I got a bucket 'demo2020', and I upload Nuxt/Vue files in the ./dist into that. I have also set the bucket and files in in public. After these, I can visit images in the demo2020 bucket, but the index.html, i.e, http://demo2020.s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com/index.html could not be visited.

An error page, 200.html was returned, saying:

This page could not be found

Back to the home page

This normally works on standard web server, for example, nginx or http-server/express etc. But no luck on AWS S3 yet.

UPDATE:May 6 2020

This is not problem of aws s3, on the localhost, if index.html from nuxt, same error page. So it seems some configuration incorrect for nuxt.


2 Answers


I get the same issue when using version 2.12.2. Downgrading to 2.11.0 solved the issue for me.


The url for AWS S3 as static hosting need specific index file appended, i.e. index.html.

Router need to be adjusted, Nuxt provides config for settings directly to vue-router, by using 'router: {}'.

The following config works for this scenario.

// in nuxt.config.js
mode: 'spa',
router: {
  mode: 'hash',