
okay, this is not a simple PromQL query that i want to run. this is my input data:

accessPoint_numClients{mac="00:11:22:33:44:55"} 11
accessPoint_numClients{mac="00:11:22:33:44:AA"} 12
accessPoint_numClients{mac="00:11:22:33:44:BB"} 5

accessPoints{mac="00:11:22:33:44:55", groupId="1"} 1
accessPoints{mac="00:11:22:33:44:AA", groupId="1"} 1
accessPoints{mac="00:11:22:33:44:BB", groupId="2"} 1

controller_zone_groups{groupId="1", groupName="Foo"} 1
controller_zone_groups{groupId="2", groupName="Bar"} 1
controller_zone_groups{groupId="3", groupName="Baz"} 1

so, i want generate an grafana graph that group client-count by groups and also print out the related groupNames.

so this is my current try, but this is far away from an working query:

sum by (groupId) (accessPoint_numClients * on (mac) group_left(groupId) accessPoints * on (groupId) group_left(groupName) controller_zone_groups)

is there any chance to get this working?

thx, volker...

================ UPDATE ===============

okay, maybe some sample querys with response:

sum by (apGroupId) ((smartzone_accessPoint_numClients * on (mac) group_left(apGroupId) smartzone_accessPoints) or (groupId) group_left(groupName) smartzone_controller_zone_groups)

==> "parse error at char 125: unexpected in aggregation, expected \")\""

sum by (apGroupId) (smartzone_accessPoint_numClients * on (mac) group_left(apGroupId) smartzone_accessPoints) * on (apGroupId) group_left(groupName) smartzone_controller_zone_groups

==> "many-to-many matching not allowed: matching labels must be unique on one side"

sum by (groupName) (smartzone_accessPoint_numClients * on (mac) group_left(apGroupId) smartzone_accessPoints) * on (apGroupId) group_left(groupName) smartzone_controller_zone_groups

==> "many-to-many matching not allowed: matching labels must be unique on one side"


2 Answers


Your question is a little unclear, but I think what you're asking for is why groupName isn't in the output. The answer is that the sum aggregates it away, which adding groupName to the by will fix.


Try using something like the following:

sum by (groupName) (
  sum by (groupId) (
    accessPoint_numClients * on(mac) group_right(groupId) accessPoints
  ) * on(groupId) group_right(groupName) controller_zone_groups