I'm working on a Angular 9 app that uses the NGRX store and I'm new to NgRx. Could some one let me know how to develop a generic reducer/action where we don't need to write reducer and actions again and again. For an example I have userList and productLst which has similar kind of actions then how do we implement one generic list reducer/action and use it for both(userList and productLst)
1 Answers
Unfortunately, to distinguish states, entities and actions every feature should have own state, reducers and actions.
But you can use @ngrx/data
to reduce boilerplate: https://ngrx.io/guide/data
There's EntityCollectionServiceFactory
that will create reducers and actions for you.
constructor(EntityCollectionServiceFactory: EntityCollectionServiceFactory) {
this.heroService = EntityCollectionServiceFactory.create<Hero>('Hero');
this.filteredHeroes$ = this.heroService.filteredEntities$;
this.loading$ = this.heroService.loading$;
getHeroes() { this.heroService.getAll(); }
add(hero: Hero) { this.heroService.add(hero); }
deleteHero(hero: Hero) { this.heroService.delete(hero.id); }
update(hero: Hero) { this.heroService.update(hero); }
More info here: https://ngrx.io/guide/data/entity-collection-service#examples-from-the-demo-app