I have a project where I need to define a number of protocols with different names but having totally the same defines.
I've tried to do it with use/2
but no luck: it doesn't work, defines from __using__/1
don't appear in the resulting protocol:
defmodule Action do
defmacro __using__(_) do
quote do
def run(tool)
defprotocol Actions.ShowId do
use Action
defmodule Tools.SimpleRelay do
defstruct [:id]
defimpl Actions.ShowId do
def run(%Tools.SimpleRelay{id: id}), do: IO.puts(inspect(id))
On the struct with protocol implementation definition I get:
warning: module Actions.ShowId is not a behaviour (in module Actions.ShowId.Tools.SimpleRelay)
iex:8: Actions.ShowId.Tools.SimpleRelay (module)
And if I try to use it:
iex(6)> relay = struct(Tools.SimpleRelay, id: "ALongStringId")
%Tools.SimpleRelay{id: "ALongStringId"}
iex(7)> Actions.ShowId.run(relay)
** (UndefinedFunctionError) function Actions.ShowId.run/1 is undefined or private
Actions.ShowId.run(%Tools.SimpleRelay{id: "ALongStringId"})
Is it a bug or a purpose? Or just my incorrect definition?
I've tried to ask the same question on elixirforum (and posted there this task background) and the only suggestion I got so far is that it is a bug. I would like to clarify it is really a bug before opening an issue.