
I just installed the py27-numpy package via MacPorts and python will not find the module when I use this command: import scipy

I used the help('modules') command and the scipy port did not come up.

Clearly the path is not configured correctly or MacPorts is not installing in the correct place, but either way, it would solve my problem to know where this package is being installed.

Where can I find the path to MacPorts-installed package, py27-scipy?

Output of echo $PATH command:


I cannot find the package in any of those locations.

Thanks for the help.

The PATH environment variable is simply for your shell (probably bash(1)) to find programs to execute without a qualified path name: cat rather than /bin/cat, ftp rather than /usr/bin/ftp, etc. (It is also used by the execlp(3) and execvp(3) functions, but that use is less frequent than the shell.) It's got nothing to do with Python module search path, PYTHONPATH. See python(1) for more information on PYTHONPATH and bash(1) for information on PATH.sarnold
What a lame question for Stack Overflow...jww

6 Answers


Your PATH is incorrect. It appears to be picking up another Python 2.7, likely one installed using a binary installer from python.org or elsewhere, and not the MacPorts installed one. Try removing the the /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/bin from PATH or just invoke the MacPorts Python directly:


To find the location of installed components, use the contents subcommand:

port contents py27-numpy

As for getting python to find the package, see @fardjad's response.


MacPorts should install Python packages in /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/2.7/site-packages by default. So make sure to set $PYTHONPATH environment variable in your .profile file:

export PYTHONPATH="/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/site-packages"
sudo port select --set python python27

is the best answer to install port's python system-wide


With Homebrew only using the latest, the Mac system version, and MacPorts for the others in-between, I was confused until I found python locations differ depending on the installer.

Here's an opinionated tip: Use virtualenvs for your projects and don't change your default version with the MacPorts. I won't and don't want to remember to updoot my python in the middle of something so I rely on virtualenvs. Choose and find the python version on the computer, then mkvirtualenv --python=/found/u/python3.X getawesome.


Based on Jeremy W. Sherman's answer

I checked my python version

python --version
Python 3.8.5

and location:

which python

and then tried:

sudo port contents python38 

which lists 7285 lines:

Port python38 contains:
  /Applications/MacPorts/Python 3.8/IDLE.app/Contents/Info.plist
  /Applications/MacPorts/Python 3.8/IDLE.app/Contents/MacOS/IDLE
  /Applications/MacPorts/Python 3.8/IDLE.app/Contents/MacOS/Python
  /Applications/MacPorts/Python 3.8/IDLE.app/Contents/PkgInfo

combining that with fardjad's answer leads to:

sudo port contents python38 | grep site-packages

with the output:


since we need the directory modifying the command to:

dirname $(sudo port contents python38 | grep site-packages)

gives the desired directory:


so it's possible to end up with the one-liner:

One-Line PYTHONPATH setting in macports:

 export PYTHONPATH=$(dirname $(sudo port contents python38 | grep site-packages))

and we can check the result:


For reference see how the Eclipse Liclipse python IDE dialog for setting the PATH looks - there are some more directories you might want to include for a fully specified PYTHONPATH.

Liclipse dialog for Python PATH selection