
I have a customised wp_nav_menu navigation that is outputting a whole list of sub page items from just one echo line...


$menuParameters = array(
    'theme_location'    =>'primary',
    'menu_id'           => 'main-menu',
    'before'            => '<div class="service-boxes-item"><h2>',
    'after'             => '</h2></div>',
    'container'         => false,
    'echo'              => false,
    'depth'             => 0,
    'walker'=>new Selective_Walker()

echo strip_tags(wp_nav_menu( $menuParameters ), '<a><div><h2>' );

I've done this in order to strip out the ul and li tags. Currently it outputs this:

<div class="service-boxes-item"><h2><a href="#">page title</a></h2></div>
<div class="service-boxes-item"><h2><a href="#">page title</a></h2></div>
<div class="service-boxes-item"><h2><a href="#">page title</a></h2></div>
<div class="service-boxes-item"><h2><a href="#">page title</a></h2></div>
<div class="service-boxes-item"><h2><a href="#">page title</a></h2></div>
<div class="service-boxes-item"><h2><a href="#">page title</a></h2></div>

Which is perfect and just what I want.

You'll see I'm using a custom walker, this is there to enable me to only show the sub menu items of the current page.

The problem now comes when I need to add other elements to each of the service-boxes-items.

I've managed to add tags and classes such as the H1 and the Div tags... but now, I would like to add a button underneath each page title in side each service-boxes-items.

I believe the best option for this would be to add it inside a loop so instead of adding those items into the echo string, I can add them properly, giving me more flexibilty for each item.

I've done this previously with page and post loops, but I cant figure out how to do it with the wp_nav_menu.

The only way I can think of is something like this...

$menuParameters = array(
    'theme_location'    =>'primary',
    'menu_id'           => 'main-menu',
    'container'         => false,
    'echo'              => false,
    'depth'             => 0,
    'walker'=>new Selective_Walker()
$pages = wp_nav_menu($menuParameters);  ?>

<?php foreach( $pages as $menuParameters ) { ?>

    <div class="service-boxes-item">
            <a href="#">page title</a>

    <button class="button button-service" onclick="window.location.href = '<?php echo  get_permalink($page->ID); ?>';">More Info</button>

<?php } ?>

But as you can see, this obviously won't work because the code is very wrong, and it has all sorts of issues. I'm mixing page/post loops with nav output.

I'm getting in a real mess as I don't know how to approach other things like permalinks with nav menus as they seem to be automatically built in and probably not accessible from the foreach loop using get_permalink();.

Essentially I just need to be able to add other elements to each item... Unless I can add the button (with the permalink etc.) inside the echo string? Any help or advice is massively appreciated!!

If you're wondering, it currently looks like this:

enter image description here

and I'm trying to get each item to look like this:

enter image description here

Add the button in your walker. Without seeing your walker, can't really help, but you can easily add this. Or without even using PHP, make the "button" a pseudo CSS element.disinfor
Thanks for that :) I'll look into how to get it added in the walker, and see if that works, that seems like the most sensible way :)Shaun Taylor
Look in the Walker for the start_el method and there should be some sort of $item_output variable. I'm going to assume, based on how the Walker works, that you'll want to add your button around one of the last concatenated $item_outputs.disinfor

1 Answers


In your foreach loop try
