
I have a set of n=8000 cartesian coordinates X,Y and Z as vectors and also a vector V of same size which I want to use as values to create a heatmap on a sphere.

I saw this link (visualization of scattered data over a sphere surface MATLAB), but I don't understand how I convert this set of data into a meshgrid for plotting using surf.

Almost every example I saw uses meshgrids. Right now, I am doing by plotting a sphere and then use scatter3 to plot my points as big balls and try to smooth them later. I looks like this: enter image description here

I would like to get the figure as the plotting of the example in that link, where he uses:

k = 5;
n = 2^k-1;
[x,y,z] = sphere(n);
c = hadamard(2^k);
colormap([1  1  0; 0  1  1])
axis equal


(Sorry for taking so long to reply, the corona crises kept away from work) What I am actually doing is:

for i=1:numel(pop0n)

x = ori(:,1); 
y = ori(:,2); 
z = ori(:,3); 

%// plot
[aa,bb,cc] = sphere(m);
hold on
colormap jet;
shading interp

The array 'ori' is 8000x3, and contains the x, y and z coordinates of the points I want to plot and pop0n is a 8000 sized vector with the intensities of each coordinate.

My main question is how do I transform my x, y, z and pop0n, that are vectors, into 2D arrays (meshgrid) to use surf? Because I cannot simply do surf(x,y,z,pop0n) if they are vectors.

Thanks in advance

It is unclear how your question is different to one you linked. Have you tried griddata?David
and we shoud assume that the x,y,z you have are points on a sphere?bla
Don't use scatter3. Use surf and send your vector V as the fourth parameters (as in the example you link).Hoki
Hoki: That's what I want to do but don't know how... David: The diference is the shape of the variables and how to convert from one to the other. I am not familiar with griddata. I will check it. ThanksCayo Emilio
And yes, x,y,z are points on a sphereCayo Emilio

1 Answers


As David suggested, griddata does the job.

What I did was:

for i=1:numel(pop0n)

x = ori(:,1); 
y = ori(:,2); 
z = ori(:,3); 

%// plot
[aa,bb,cc] = sphere(m);
v = griddata(x,y,z,pop0n,aa,bb,cc,'nearest');
colormap jet;
shading interp