I want to color format the values (.csv file format) based on the below conditions in tableau desktop.
If consecutive increase of the values or same values with increase values from start Date then values should be Red color .
If Consecutive decrease of the values from startDate then values color should be Green Color
If the values are Increase and then decrease from start date then Yellow.
If the values are decrease then increase then yellow.
For the above data the expected color for the student values should be below..
Student:Mon,Pat,Henry,Kim Yellow,
Jack,stanley Red
Kevin,Lendl -Green
I have tried below code but not working as expected..
Please correct if i missing any thing thing.
//Green - consecutive downward trend
window_sum(if FIRST() = 0 then 0
elseif sum([Value]) < lookup(sum([Value]),-1) then 1
end) = MAX([Number of Days]) then "Green"
//Yellow - downward and upward trend but not consecutive
elseif window_sum(if FIRST() = 0 then 0
elseif sum([Value]) < lookup(sum([Value]),-1) then 1
end) > 0 and
window_sum(if FIRST() = 0 then 0
elseif sum([Value]) < lookup(sum([Value]),-1) then 1
end) < MAX([Number of Days]) then "Yellow"
//Red - consecutive upward trend
window_sum(if FIRST() = 0 then 0
elseif sum([Value]) > lookup(sum([Value]),-1) then 1
end) = MAX([Number of Days]) then "Red"
Thanks for your help in advance !!