
I tried to import a big XML File in SSMS, but I encounter this problem.

'INSXMLII.XML' is too large to open with XML editor. The maximum file size is '10' MB. Please update the registry key 'HKCU\Software\Microsoft\SQL Server Management Studio\18.0_IsoShell_Config\XmlEditor\MaxFileSizeSupportedByLanguageService' to change the maximum size.

I used method to fix: Navigate to:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 18\Common7\IDE"

Edit the "Microsoft.XmlEditor.pkgdef" file at approximately line number 322:

Change the line:




Restart SSMS.

However, it encountered this problem:

"Access to the path C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 18\Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\Platform\Shell\Microsoft.XmlEditor.pkgdef"

Any thoughts? I have totally no ideas~ Many thanks

99999999999 may too too big. Try something like 100 (you forgot to mention the actual size of the file).Andrew Morton
My thought is that this is not what SSMS was made for. If the XML is less than 2GB you could import it into a XML column and query it using T-SQL instead.Cedersved
I usually parse files in a programming language like c# or vb.net and then put data into database.jdweng
how do you "import"? SSMS is not made to operate on large files, use sqlcmd instead.devio
@jasonroy7dct, please edit your post and elaborate on "...I tried to import a big XML File in SSMS..." and share your T-SQL. You shared your error, but we don't know what you tried to do, and what caused the error.Yitzhak Khabinsky

1 Answers


As a workaround you case use this C# code to read all content:

            using (var connection = new SqlConnection(_connectionString))
            using (var sqlCommand = new SqlCommand("..YOUR QUERY..", connection))

                var cellStringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
                using (var dataReader = await sqlCommand.ExecuteReaderAsync())
                    while (dataReader.Read()) cellStringBuilder.Append(dataReader.GetString(0));

                // Do something with cellStringBuilder.ToString()...