I am trying to use Cosmos DB Tables. What I am noticing is that if I query on Timestamp
property, no data is returned.
Here's the query I am using:
Timestamp ge datetime'2010-01-01T00:00:00'
I believe my query is correct because the same query runs perfectly fine against a table in my Storage Account.
If I query on any other attribute, the query runs perfectly fine.
I tried running this query in both Cerebrata Cerulean and in Microsoft Storage Explorer and I am getting no results in both places.
However when I run the same query in Azure Portal Data Explorer, data is returned. I opened developer tools in Azure Portal and noticed that the Portal is not making OData query. Instead it is making SQL API query. For example, in the above case the query that's being sent is:
Select * from c where c._ts > [epoch value indicating time]
Similarly if I query on an attribute using the tools above:
AttributeName eq 'Some Attribute Value'
Same query is being sent in Azure Portal as
SELECT * FROM c WHERE c.AttributeName["$v"] = 'Some Attribute Value'
All the documentation states that I should be able to write OData queries and they should work but I am not finding it to be correct.
So what's the correct way of querying Cosmos DB Tables?
Seems this is not a problem with just Timestamp
property but all Edm.DateTime
kind of properties.
So I opened up my Cosmos DB Table account as SQL API account to see how the data is actually stored under the hood.
First thing I observed is that Timestamp
property is not getting stored at all. Value of Timestamp
(in Storage Table Entity) is actually getting stored as _ts
system property and that too as Epoch
Next thing I noticed is that all Date/Time kind of properties are actually getting converted into a 20 character long strings and are stored something like the following:
"SourceTimestamp": {
"$t": 9,
"$v": "00637219463290953744"
I am wondering if that has something to do with not being able to issue ODATA queries directly.
BTW, I forgot to mention that I am using Azure Storage Node SDK to access my Cosmos Table account (as this is what Microsoft is recommending considering there's no Node SDK specifically for Table API).