I have laravel (7.x) application. I recently added the cache functionality for the performance boost. After implementing the cache functionality, I was having trouble with the pagination while loading the data in grid format, so I googled for the solution and found this Pagination with cache in Laravel.
Although, it did solve my problem. But, the case is that I have about 100 pages and due to the solution I found, each page has it's own cache. Now, if I create or update any record then it doesn't reflect in the grid because the data is loaded from the cache.
$arraySearch = request()->all();
# calculating selected tab
$cache = (!empty(request()->inactive)) ? 'inactive' : 'active';
$cacheKey = strtoupper("{$this->controller}-index-{$cache}-{$arraySearch['page']}");
# caching the fetch data
$arrayModels = cache()->remember($cacheKey, 1440, function() use ($arraySearch) {
# models
$Post = new Post();
# returning
return [
'active' => $Post->_index(1, 'active', $arraySearch),
'inactive' => $Post->_index(0, 'inactive', $arraySearch),
public function _index($status = 1, $page = null, $arraySearch = null)
$Self = self::where('status', $status)
->orderBy('status', 'ASC')
->orderBy('title', 'ASC')
return $Self;
How do I clear all this cache to show the newly created or updated record to with the updated values.?