Not directly. You would have to traverse the options, and construct the search with facets and all yourself. It would not be too hard though. Below a quick attempt. I downloaded existing search options via GET /v1/config/query/all?format=json
, and isolated a few path index facets. Here some code that traverses them, and produces facet values:
'use strict';
const jsearch = require('/MarkLogic/jsearch.sjs');
function reference(c) {
if (c.range) {
if (c.range['path-index']) {
return cts.pathReference(c.range['path-index'].text)
const options = {
"options": {
"constraint": [{
"name": "Auteur",
"range": {
"type": "xs:string",
"facet": true,
"collation": "",
"facet-option": ["limit=10", "frequency-order", "descending"],
"path-index": {
"text": "*:meta[@name = 'Author']/@content"
}, {
"name": "ContentType",
"range": {
"type": "xs:string",
"facet": true,
"collation": "",
"facet-option": ["limit=10", "frequency-order", "descending"],
"path-index": {
"text": "*:meta[@name = 'content-type']/@content"
const facets = options.options.constraint.filter(c => c.range);
jsearch.facets( => {
let ref = reference(f);
if (ref) {
return jsearch.facet(, ref);
}).filter(f => f)