I'm making a 3D monster maker. I recently added a feature to flip parts along the x and y axes, this works perfectly fine on its own, however, I also have a feature that allows users to combine parts (sets flags, doesn't combine mesh), this means that simply flipping the individual objects won't flip the "shape" of the combined object. I have had two ideas of how to do this which didn't work and I'll list them below. I have access to the origin of the objects and the centre of mass of all instances that are combined - the 0, 0, 0 point on a theoretical number plane
In these examples we're flipping across the y axis, the axis plane is X = width, Y = height, Z = depth
Attempt #1 - Simply flipping the individual object's X scale, getting the X distance from the centreMass and taking that from the centreMass for position, this works when the direction of the object is (0, 0, 1) and the right (1, 0, 0) or (-1, 0, 0), in any other direction X isn't the exact "left/right" of the object. Here's a video to clarify: https://youtu.be/QXdEF4ScP10
modelInstance[i].scale.x *= -1;
modelInstance[i].basePosition.set(centre.x - modelInstance[i].distFromCentre.x, modelInstance[I].basePosition.y, modelInstance[I].basePosition.z);
modelInstance[i].transform.set(modelInstance[i].basePosition, modelInstance[i].baseRotation, modelInstance[i].scale);
Attempt #2 - Rotate the objects Y180° around the centreMass and then flip their z value. As far as I understand, this is a solution, but I don't think I can do this. The way to rotate an object around a point AFAIK involves transforming the matrix to the point, rotating it, and then translating it back which I can't use. Due to the ability to rotate, join, flip, and scale objects I keep the rotation, position, and scale completely separate because issues with scaling/rotating and movement occur. I have a Vector3 for the position, a matrix for the rotation, and a Vector3 for the scale, whenever I change any of these I use object.transform.set(position, matrix.getRotation(), scale); So when I attempt to do this method (translating rotation matrix to point etc) the objects individually flip but remain in the same place, translating the objects transform matrix has weird results and doesn't work. Video of both variations: https://youtu.be/5xzTAHA1vCU
modelInstance[i].scale.z *= -1;
modelInstance[i].baseRotationMatrix.translate(modelInstance[i].distFromCentre).rotate(Vector3.Y, 180).translate( modelInstance[i].distFromCentre.scl(-1));
modelInstance[i].transform.set(modelInstance[i].basePosition, modelInstance[i].baseRotation, modelInstance[i].scale);
java modelInstance[i].flipPositionMatrix.set(modelInstance[i].basePosition, modelInstance[i].baseRotation, modelInstance[i].scale); modelInstance[i].flipPositionMatrix.translate(distFromCentre.scl(-1)).rotate(Vector3.Y, 180).translate(distFromCentre.scl(-1)); modelInstance[i].flipPositionMatrix.getTranslation(modelInstance[i].basePosition); modelInstance[i].scale.x *= -1;
– user11764175