
Trying to make an over (order by Id asc rows between unbounded preceding and current row) in a Sum, I try to get an accumulated sum for each value. As far as I got:

    SELECT  c.id AS Id, c.centro AS Description,  g.id as GroupId, cuen.id as BillId, r.mes_actualizado as UpdatedMonth, cri.agno_mes as YearMonth, gc.signo as Sign, 
    cuen.descripcion->>:language as Bill, false as Comparable, true as Divisor, 
    SUM(cri.importe_cal * gc.signo) over (order by c.Id asc rows between unbounded preceding and current row) AS Amount , 
    g.descripcion->> :language as Group, g.es_total as IsTotal,
    cri.importe, cri.importe_cal  
    FROM public.tabla1 m 
    INNER JOIN public.tabla2 mg ON(mg.ef_modelo_id = m.id) 
    INNER JOIN public.tabla3 g ON(g.id = mg.ef_grupo_id) 
    INNER JOIN public.tabla4 gc ON(gc.ef_grupo_id = g.id) 
    INNER JOIN public.tabla5 cuen ON(cuen.id = gc.ef_cuenta_id) 
    INNER JOIN public.tabla6 cri ON(cri.ef_cuenta_id = cuen.id) 
    INNER JOIN public.tabla7 r ON(r.id = cri.ef_real_id) 
    INNER JOIN public.tabla8 c ON(c.id = r.centro_id )  
    INNER JOIN public.tabla9 mr ON(m.id = mr.ef_modelo_id) 
    INNER JOIN public.tabla10  u ON(mr.rol_id = u.tpl_rol_id) 
    INNER JOIN public.tabla11 cu ON(cu."userId" = u."pId") AND(cu.centro_id = r.centro_id) 
    WHERE u."pId" = :userId AND g.id = :Group AND m.id = :TypeFinancialStatement AND ( cri.agno_mes BETWEEN :dateFrom AND :dateTo ) 
    GROUP BY 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,14,15
You should ask a new question. Simplify the query. Provide sample data and desired results. It is unclear what you really want to do. For instance, is an aggregation query really appropriate.Gordon Linoff

1 Answers


Window function do not require a group by clause. So, most likely, you just need to remove the group by clause from your query.

Alternatively, you want a regular aggregate function (sum() without an over() clause), and all other columns from the select clause in the group by clause - but that's not what your query seems to intend.

Also as far as concerns you don't need that frame defintion in the over clause: assuming that c.id is a unique column, you get the same behavior with just:

SUM(cri.importe_cal * gc.signo) over (order by c.Id) AS Amount