
Tried my level best, but I am not able to write a XPath that returns a unique element in this situation.

xpath 1: return all 7 elements under Default value, as all the elements have input tag

//div/span[contains(text(),'Default Values')]/ancestor::div/span[contains(text(),'Select Date')]/following-sibling::div//input

Xpath 2 returns 3 elements, the drop-down in the image.


Screenshot: Window screenshot

HTML Screenshot: HTML code

What are you trying to get? A single xpath for each of the 7 elements? ā€“ Peter

1 Answers


If you want to get one unique input element, you need something like this :

For the first XPath :

//span[contains(text(),'Select Date')]/following::div[@class="Select-input"][1]/input

Replace [1] with [2] or [3] to access the input element you want. I've replaced "following-sibling" from your expression since the span element has no div sibling.

For the second XPath :


Replace [1] with [2] or [3] to access the input element you want.