Iam new to JSF technology, currently in our project we are using JSF 2.0 with spring and hibernate integration.I have one doubt regarding h:selectOneMenu and f:selectItems. From the Database i'm getting a list of UserBeans.I'm using like
<h:selectOneMenu id="users" value="#{MyBean.user}">
<f:selectItems value="#{MyBean.userList}" var="user" itemLabel="#{user.userName}" itemValue="#{user.userId}" />
Here user is of type UserBean and userList is the list of UserBeans. In the view page it is showing correctly but in the backing bean when i select one item and click on submit button, it showing the selected user as NULL.
My doubt is i can only pass List of SelectItem objects for the f:selectItems or any other beans list ..??
Is there any other way to populate the list of UserBeans otherthan SelectItem for selectItems.
Thank you All, Anil