
I have been trying to create a bot for Discord using the discord.py library however when I am running the program it is not sending the message as expected. It is a simple bot that is suppose to send a message every 10 minutes to a channel. I am not getting any error messages in the command line and can't seem to see any obvious errors? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

import asyncio

client = discord.Client()

async def my_background_task():
    await client.wait_until_ready()
    counter = 0
    channel = discord.Object(id='my channel ID goes here')
    while not client.is_closed:
        counter += 1
        await message.channel.send("TEST")
        await asyncio.sleep(5) # task runs every 60 seconds

async def on_ready():
    print('Logged in as')

client.run('My token goes here')
Does it give any errors or does it just run. Also the message.channel.send should probably be channel.send since you're setting the channel manually and not from a message.duckboycool
@duckboycool No errors, it just runs in the command line with the output below. Logged in as TestBot Bot ID ------LockTheTaskBar
And what does it do if you replace await message.channel.send("TEST")?duckboycool
Just the same, just sits running in a command prompt.LockTheTaskBar
You need to fix a few typos. Use client.is_closed() instead of client.is_closed, channel = client.get_channel(12345) instead of channel = discord.Object(id='12345') and await channel.send("TEST") instead of await message.channel.send("TEST").Benjin

3 Answers


If the channel ID is a string, It should be an integer.

Turn this:

channel = discord.Object(id='my channel ID goes here')


channel = discord.Object(id=101029321892839) # an example ID

If that doesn't solve your problem, try setting 'message.channel.send' to 'channel.send' and client.is_closed should be

client.is_closed() # put brackets

Instead of client.loop.create_task(my_background_task()), just put the background function in the on_ready event. And take out await client.wait_until_ready() and just put the function in the on_ready event as well. I have also changed the client variable, taken out unnecessary code, and added some modules.

import asyncio, discord
from discord.ext import commands

client = commands.Bot(command_prefix = ".") # If you don't want a prefix just take out the parameter.

async def my_background_task():
    channel = discord.Object(id='my channel ID goes here')
    while True:
        await channel.send("TEST")
        await asyncio.sleep(5) # task runs every 60 seconds

async def on_ready():
    print('Logged in as')

client.run('My token goes here')

Also in future when posting a question, please tag the python version as I don't know which version it is and then this and other answers could be wrong.


Although creating a task could work, I wouldn't recommend it when there are better options. Dpy's command.ext addon has a task based system built in directly, so let's look into using that instead.

import discord
from discord.ext import tasks

client = discord.Client()

async def my_background_task():
    """A background task that gets invoked every 10 minutes."""
    channel = client.get_channel(754904403710050375) # Get the channel, the id has to be an int
    await channel.send('TEST!')
async def my_background_task_before_loop():
    await client.wait_until_ready()

client.run('Your token goes here')

The time until which the above loop will run is dependent upon human psychology, laws of energy and cosmos. That is:

• You get bored of it

• The power goes down and your script stops working

• The universe explodes

Read more about it here: