
I have a form that passes two dates (start and finish) to a PHP script that will add those to a DB. I am having problems validating this. I keep getting the following errors

A non well formed numeric value encountered

This is when I use the following


But when I use the strtotime() function as advised by many sites I get a unix timestamp date of 1/1/1970. Any ideas how I can get the correct date?

You need to post what $_GET['start_date'] contains.JohnP
I assume your $_GET['start_date'] is not a timestamp which is expected by date function as a second argumentNemoden
JohnP is correct. This question is Unclear and Needs Debugging Details because the minimal reproducible example is incomplete. As a result, this page is bloated with wild guesses regarding the correct solution. This mess is not enjoyable for researchers. It's funny how old, poor questions can gain so many UVs -- simply a matter of time and uninformed voting.mickmackusa

9 Answers


Because you are passing a string as the second argument to the date function, which should be an integer.

string date ( string $format [, int $timestamp = time() ] )

Try strtotime which will Parse about any English textual datetime description into a Unix timestamp (integer):

date("d", strtotime($_GET['start_date']));

$_GET['start_date'] is not numeric is my bet, but an date format not supported by strtotime. You will need to re-format the date to a workable format for strtotime or use combination of explode/mktime.

I could add you an example if you'd be kind enough to post the format you currently receive.


This error occurs when you perform calculations with variables that use letters combined with numbers (alphanumeric), for example 24kb, 886ab ...

I had the error in the following function

function get_config_bytes($val) {
    $val = trim($val);
    $last = strtolower($val[strlen($val)-1]);       
    switch($last) {
        case 'g':
            $val *= 1024;
        case 'm':
            $val *= 1024;
        case 'k':
            $val *= 1024;
    return $this->fix_integer_overflow($val);

The application uploads images but it didn't work, it showed the following warning:

enter image description here

Solution: The intval() function extracts the integer value of a variable with alphanumeric data and creates a new variable with the same value but converted to an integer with the intval() function. Here is the code:

function get_config_bytes($val) {
    $val = trim($val);
    $last = strtolower($val[strlen($val)-1]);
    $intval = intval(trim($val));
    switch($last) {
        case 'g':
            $intval *= 1024;
        case 'm':
            $intval *= 1024;
        case 'k':
            $intval *= 1024;
    return $this->fix_integer_overflow($intval);

The function fix_integer_overflow

// Fix for overflowing signed 32 bit integers,
// works for sizes up to 2^32-1 bytes (4 GiB - 1):
protected function fix_integer_overflow($size) {
    if ($size < 0) {
        $size += 2.0 * (PHP_INT_MAX + 1);
    return $size;

I ran into this same situation (in my case with a date value in a custom PHP field in a Drupal view), and what worked for me was using intval instead of strtotime to turn the value into an integer - because it basically was a timestamp, but in the form of a string rather than an integer. Obviously that won't be the case for everyone, but it might be worth a try.


This helped me a lot -

$new_date = date_format(date_create($old_date), 'Y-m-d');

Here, date_create() provides you a date object for a given date & date_format() will set it in a given format.

for example,

    $date = date_create("13-02-2013");  // DateTime Object ( [date] => 2013-02-13 00:00:00.000000 [timezone_type] => 3 [timezone] => America/New_York )
    echo date_format($date,"Y-m-d");    // 2013-02-13

This is an old question, but there is another subtle way this message can happen. It's explained pretty well here, in the docs.

Imagine this scenerio:

try {
  // code that triggers a pdo exception
} catch (Exception $e) {
  throw new MyCustomExceptionHandler($e);

And MyCustomExceptionHandler is defined roughly like:

class MyCustomExceptionHandler extends Exception {
  public function __construct($e) {
    parent::__construct($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode());

This will actually trigger a new exception in the custom exception handler because the Exception class is expecting a number for the second parameter in its constructor, but PDOException might have dynamically changed the return type of $e->getCode() to a string.

A workaround for this would be to define you custom exception handler like:

class MyCustomExceptionHandler extends Exception {
  public function __construct($e) {
    $this->code = $e->getCode();

If the error is at the time of any calculation, double check that the values does not contains any comma(,). Values must be only in integer/ float format.


You need to set the time zone using date_default_timezone_set().


if $_GET['start_date'] is a string then convert it in integer or double to deal numerically.

$int = (int) $_GET['start_date']; //Integer
$double = (double) $_GET['start_date']; //It takes in floating value with 2 digits