
I've used Microsoft bot framework SDKv4, and integrated to Teams channel. It is running well, but giving responses twice.

enter image description here

But, I didn't get the same behavior, while I tested it on Emulator and Web Chat in Azure Portal.

However, I can see below issue, while I ping the bot in web chat and get a response.

enter image description here

Further, I can also see, that its always 'sending' as a status although I got a valid response, and the status later changes to "Send Failed. Retry"

enter image description here

Is the issue related to my teams integration for getting message twice? and how, should I fix it!

The issue is occurring on different channels indicates the problem likely lies in your bot. To start, which SDK and version?Steven Kanberg
@StevenKanberg Microsoft Bot Framework SDKv4.Gaurav Gupta

2 Answers


Are you using webhooks? If so, having multiple webhooks with same ID could be the reason for double messages. Hope this helps


I made my bot working. It was the issue of MS authentication!

I had a call with MS support person and the root cause appeared to be only the MS authentication. Had to reset app secret and then re-deloyment.

Its weird that, although it was not getting authenticated primarily yet it was returning me the response. This, I still haven't got it!