I'm writing one SP where output is expected as table. But not able to get output as in table format, but receiving it as an object a single value or all rows in one column while using array as return type.
create or replace table monthly_sales(empid int, amount int, month text)
as select * from values
(1, 10000, 'JAN'),
(1, 400, 'JAN'),
(2, 4500, 'JAN'),
(2, 35000, 'JAN'),
(1, 5000, 'FEB'),
(1, 3000, 'FEB'),
(2, 200, 'FEB'),
(2, 90500, 'FEB'),
(1, 6000, 'MAR'),
(1, 5000, 'MAR'),
(2, 2500, 'MAR'),
(2, 9500, 'MAR'),
(1, 8000, 'APR'),
(1, 10000, 'APR'),
(2, 800, 'APR'),
(2, 4500, 'APR'),
(2, 10000, 'MAY'),
(1, 800, 'MAY');
select * from MONTHLY_SALES;
create or replace procedure getRowCount(TABLENAME VARCHAR(1000)) returns variant not null language javascript as $$ // Dynamically compose the SQL statement to execute.
var sql_command = " SELECT * FROM "+TABLENAME+";"
// Prepare statement.
var stmt = snowflake.createStatement({sqlText: sql_command});
// Execute Statement try { var rs = stmt.execute();
return rs;
}catch(err){return "error "+err;} $$;
Call getRowCount('MONTHLY_SALES');
Expected Output: enter image description here