
I have a process which publish some data(json) onto a queue on Aws-Sqs. Another process reads from this queue. All this is working fine.

Now I want to create a topic which can be listened by mutiple processes and the data is delivered to all the processes. For example Activemq and many other messaging servers have this capability to create a topic. I could not find any such thing on AWS. The closest I could find is AWS SNS.

From what I understand AWS-SNS allows multiple clients to subscribe to a topic. But the type of subscription is either Email, Http, or Sms and so on ... This does not really serve my purpose. I want to recieve json data in all my clients just like Sqs.

Is that achievable? If so how?


2 Answers


You can subscribe multiple SQS into single SNS topic: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSSimpleQueueService/latest/SQSDeveloperGuide/sqs-subscribe-queue-sns-topic.html

Then it will be distributed to all of them.

The other option is to use Kinesis - https://aws.amazon.com/kinesis/ but it is more difficult to set up. There you can also read from multiple clients from the stream.


amazon mq is a managed active mq service. maybe this will help with your needs?