I have searched for this answer but I could not find it. I'd like to show only the first X elements of a ggplot barplot, by coding only into ggplot itself. Let me explain a bit further. I have a dataset listing the number of residents in a city, for each year (1999-2018), gender, citizenship and quarter/area of the city. I am selecting one year and one citizenship, and then plot the number of residents (y axis, stacked bars for gender male/female) for each quarter, sorted by number of residents.
This is an example: Plotting residents for each quarter, "Afghanistan", year 2018
I simply like to cut down to the first X (e.g. 10) bars. I have to insert the code into a Shinyapp, so I'm trying to insert the instructions directly among the code in the "manipulate" function here below. Is there a way to do it in the aes/reorder functions (see code below)?
This is the code, where I tried (without success) to use the "subset" function to cut on no. of residents (by quarter, but grouping the genders, i.e. I want to retain a quarter where the Females are 8 and the Males are 7).
Many thanks!
p10 <- manipulate(
ggplot(subset(df_tothab_STR_citt[df_tothab_STR_citt$Y==YearList &
aes(x = reorder(Nil, Residenti, FUN = sum),
y = Residenti,
group = Gen,
fill = Gen)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Set1") +
ggtitle(paste(CittList, "-", YearList)) +
coord_flip() +
labs(fill="Gender", x="Nil", y="Resident") +
CittList = picker(
YearList = picker(
This is also the "head" and "str" of the dataset.
Y Nil Gen Citt Residenti
1 2018 Baggio Femmine Afghanistan 2
2 1999 Bande Nere Femmine Afghanistan 1
3 2000 Bande Nere Femmine Afghanistan 1
4 2001 Bande Nere Femmine Afghanistan 1
5 2002 Bande Nere Femmine Afghanistan 1
6 2014 Buenos Aires - Venezia Femmine Afghanistan 1
'data.frame': 196703 obs. of 5 variables:
$ Y : int 2018 1999 2000 2001 2002 2014 2016 2017 2018 2012 ...
$ Nil : chr "Baggio" "Bande Nere" "Bande Nere" "Bande Nere" ...
$ Gen : Factor w/ 2 levels "Femmine","Maschi": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
$ Citt : chr "Afghanistan" "Afghanistan" "Afghanistan" "Afghanistan" ...
$ Residenti: int 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 ...
-------- Editing ------------- For the sake of completeness, I post here what I've done in the Shiny app to get this working for one of the charts I'm plotting in the app.
Basically, the "reactive" function calculates df13_react based on input$something, that comes from sliders or select inputs. Then the renderPlot/ggplot filters the result of the calculations based only on a ratio range (again, from min/max sliders between 0 and 100%)
What I was doing with the manipulate function was to reproduce the same behavior outside of the ShinyApp, only for testing it without having to re-load the app everytime.
Best regards.
# PLOT13:
output$t13 <- renderText({
"Citizens (ITA/STR) by Nil, gender (M/F) and year (selectable)"
df13_react <- reactive({
df13 <- df_tothab[df_tothab$Y==input$YearList,]
# df13Nil <- unique(df_tothab$Nil[df_tothab$Residenti>input$minRes13])
df13agg <- aggregate(df13$Residenti,
by=list(Nil=df13$Nil, Cittadinanza=df13$Citt),
df13agg <- dcast(df13agg, Nil ~ Cittadinanza, value.var="Residenti")
df13agg[is.na(df13agg)] <- 0
df13agg$Ratio <- df13agg$STR / (df13agg$STR+df13agg$ITA)
df13agg[is.na(df13agg)] <- 0
df13$Ratio <- NA
addRatio <- function (df13, df13agg){
vRatio <- rep(0, length(df13$Ratio))
for(i in 1:length(df13$Ratio)){
vRatio[i] <- df13agg$Ratio[df13agg$Nil==df13$Nil[i]]
df13$Ratio <- addRatio(df13, df13agg)
output$p13 <- renderPlot({
df13 <- df13_react()
ggplot(df13[df13$Ratio >= input$minRatio13 / 100 &
df13$Ratio <= input$maxRatio13 / 100,],
aes(x = reorder(Nil, Ratio),
y = Residenti,
group = interaction(Gen, Cittadinanza),
fill = interaction(Gen, Cittadinanza))) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = "fill") +
"blue","turquoise4")) +
ggtitle(paste(input$YearList)) +
labs(fill="Legend", x=NULL, y="Resident") +
scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::percent_format(accuracy = 5L),
breaks = c(seq(0, 1, 0.1))) +
coord_flip() +
theme(panel.ontop = TRUE,
panel.background = element_blank(),
panel.grid = element_line(colour = "black"))