
I'am trying to call microsoft graph api, I have did the instructions by microsoft documnets as bellow:

1- app registration in azure portal Supported account types : all microsoft account users 2- calling 'https://login.microsoftonline.com/',tenant_id,'/oauth2/v2.0/authorize' by these parameters:

  client_id <-  #Application Id - on the azure app overview page
    client_secret <-# the secret key for my app from azure portal 
    scope <- 'https://graph.microsoft.com/.default'
    grant_type <- 'password'
    username <- 'XXX@outlook.com'
    password <-  # the user password
    tenant_id <-# tenant id for my app from azure portal

but it has this error:

AADSTS50034: The user account {EmailHidden} does not exist in the <tenant_ID> directory. To sign into this application, the account must be added to the directory.

I have registered my app by the same account that I passed through api.

I want to call my todo list from the graph.

based on @MdFaridUddinKiron's response I added some more explanation:

I think something in my domain in azure is wrong, these are some screenshot of it: 1- it shows "common" for endpoints, what should I use? "common" or my tenant: endpoits for registered app 2- my app authentication tab has app authentication tabsome differences, is it important? 3- My domain overview page is look like this:Domain overview 4- user is added in my active directoryuser in active directory 5- user application page:user application page 6- user assigned role:user assigned role

I tested microsoft graph api successfully by the same user in the graph explorer, I am getting confused how the authentication flow must be. I just want to call my own todo tasks

personal XXX@outlook.com is not supported for grant_type:password user name must be tenant specific.Md Farid Uddin Kiron
how to set the parameters? can you explain more?pooneh_ce
I have shown you details please have a try and let me know your update.Md Farid Uddin Kiron
Hello is there anything that I can help with?Md Farid Uddin Kiron
Dear @MdFaridUddinKiron I added more information about my problem. Could you please help me more?pooneh_ce

1 Answers


As per your comment, please follow the detail steps:

Make sure email you are trying to get token with is exists in azure ad user list which showed below in details.



See the screen shot:

enter image description here

I am getting token as expected

Step: 1

enter image description here

Step: 2

enter image description here

Step: 3

enter image description here

Step: 4

Filter your user from your azure active directory user list as shown below.

enter image description here


  1. Requested token user must be a tenant user for example YourUser@Yourtenant.onmicrosoft.com
  2. User password must be correct that you are suing to token request.
  3. Make sure your user belong to azure portal on your tenant
  4. Your Client Id belongs to that tenant
  5. Application secret is valid or not expired.


What should I use? "common" or my tenant?

It depends if you have many tenant in that case you can use common. For example user need not to remember specific tenant they would automatically redirected to specific tenant as per the credentials they given.

For more information you could refer Official document

Feel free to share still you are having problem.