
What I would like

visting efkhunt.com or www.efkhunt.com to be forwarded to my heroku blog at https://efkhunt.herokuapp.com/

I currently have the free version, but happy to upgrade to hobby if it helps avoid SSL errors etc.

What I've experienced

Currently : efkhunt.com redirs to http://classical-orangutan-xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.herokudns.com/

www.efkhunt.com gives :

This site can’t provide a secure connection www.efkhunt.com sent an invalid response. Try running Windows Network Diagnostics. ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR

What I've tried

I've tried a number of different tutorials, some of which seem contradictory, or perhaps more likely I've not understood them properly. The GD settings I have currently are :

Type Name Value TTL

A @ 184.168.131.xxx 600 seconds

CNAME www thermal-centipede-xxxxx.herokudns.com 1 Hour

CNAME _domainconnect _domainconnect.gd.domaincontrol.com 1 Hour

NS @ ns47.domaincontrol.com 1

NS @ ns48.domaincontrol.com 1

SOA @ Primary nameserver: ns47.domaincontrol.com. 1

I've been doing this over a number of days so I don't think I should have to wait for any further propagation.



1 Answers


For anyone struggling - I think the browser cache was misleading, there was actually an SSL error which was resolved by turning on automated certificate management, which required to upgrade to a hobby dyno.
