
I'm trying to install OpenCV on Raspbian Buster. I've followed a guide but when I try to import cv2 in Python 3.8.0 it says No module named 'cv2'. Python 3.8.0 is set to my default Python installation, but when I navigate to /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages, that's where I see the cv2 module. It is also installed under python3.7, but not under 3.8. Is there a way I can use it with Python 3.8?

EDIT: I seem to have fixed it by creating a symbolic link between the Python3.8 and 3.7 site-packages folder.

How did you install opencv?Erich

1 Answers


You can install current opencv for python3 with sudo pip3 install opencv-python. Note the use of pip3 to install for python3.