I am trying to run a basic example with Project Reactor and its Flux class. The source should create integers from 1 to 10 and just print out the emitted integers.
All examples are executed in the main method of the application with no other code running.
It is fairly easy to get the basics running:
Flux.range(1, 10).subscribe(System.out::println);
The next step is to emit the integers in another thread. This can be achieved by
Flux.range(1, 10)
As the project reference states, Schedulers.newSingle("OtherThread")
creates "a per-call dedicated thread" (see Project Reactor Reference). The reference explains that there is also a Schedulers.single()
which gives access to the execution context of "a single, reusable thread" and "reuses the same thread for all callers".
As I am using threading at just one point in this example publishOn(...)
my understanding is, that both methods (newSingle(...)
and single()
) could be used interchangeably.
Flux.range(1, 10)
But the last example does not print out anything. And to be honest, after several hours of searching and playing around I am not getting why.
I found this blog article Flight of the Flux 3 - Hopping Threads and Schedulers which states single()
as "for one-off tasks that can be run on a unique ExecutorService". But it does not bring light into the darkness.
As often I expect there is a simple answer to the question Why do newSingle(...)
and single()
behave differently in this basic exmaple? which will make me feel stupid. But I would be more than happy if it just finally solves my confusion.
An interesting site note is, that by introducing log()
the example prints like a charm
Flux.range(1, 10)
UPDATE: According to the answer of Martin Tarjányi I created a gist which demonstrates the different behavior with a small code snippet and explaining text.
and it runs fine, prints 1 to 10 – 123