I am using closures in dojo dialogs to keep functions and variables from colliding.
I have a jsp page that includes a complex dialog. It is mostly working. Just one really annoying detail. if the widget changes how do I notify a handler method? we want as much of the java script for the dialog to be kept within the closure.
Since the popup appears in multiple locations I want future programmers to be able to replace myVar with anything. Is there a way to determine what to correctly put in the onChange
------jsp page-----
var myVar = new MyNewPopupStuff(42);
includeTemplate template="myDialog.jsp"
< script type="text/javascript" src="my.js"/>
< div id="myDialogData" dojotype="dijit.layout.ContentPane" region="right" splitter="true" class="data" style=" width:50%; " > <\/div>
--------my.js file----
function MyNewPopupStuff(param){ this.contstrucDialog = function() ....... while( more widgets to add){ fieldHolder=dojo.byId("myDialogData" addWidget(widgetName,myDialogData); } addWidget = function(fieldHolder, widgetName){ // need to print the name of the variable in "myVar.bar()" (myVar or what ever it may be) dojo.place(newLabel, fieldHolder); var newField = new dijit.form.ValidationTextBox({ id: "i"+contactTypeId, name: widgetName, value: value, trim: true, **onChange:**??????when the widget is mofied I want to call the below modifyOnChange not some other modify on change I think I want something like myVar.modifyOnChange???? }); } this.modifyOnChange = function() { alert("modified"); } }