
I am working on an app where you take a picture of a device and it stores the information. However, due to the device using seven segment display / LCD i am struggling to get good results.

I have used Firebase OCR, Google Vision ML Kit, And Tesseract (Tess-two).

Each of them are providing poor results, especially Tesseract considering i have trained and fine tuned it to recognise 3 types of seven segment fonts to a 0.09 error rate.

I have also tried using other peoples traineddata, such as letsgodigital

I have converted the image to greyscale and then binarized it, i have also whitelisted only numbers and still can't detect the text properly. What else can i do to improve the results?

Results below are both tesseract.

Tesseract poor resultsenter image description here

I'm sorry but can you give me the code that you use for "converted the image to greyscale and then binarized it"Long Phan

1 Answers


Tesseract is good at recognizing documents. The example you gave contains pretty irrelevant information such as the machine and disturbing logo.

Doing the text localization to separate the seven-segment content out would be better a way to preprocess it.