
I've created a GraphQL resolver which searches for Company objects using TypeORM, I would like the to allow the client to (optionality) query with pagination or order objects so I wrote this resolver:

class CompanyProductArgs {
  OrderBy?: {
    fieldName: string;
    direction: DirectionEnum;

  Pagination?: {
    take: number;
    skip: number;

export class CompanyProductResolver {
  @Query(() => [CompanyProduct])
  companyProducts(@Args() { OrderBy, Pagination }: CompanyProductArgs) {
    let args = {};

    if (OrderBy) {
      args = {
        order: {
          [OrderBy.fieldName]: OrderBy.direction,

    if (Pagination) {
      args = {
        skip: Pagination.skip,
        take: Pagination.take,

    return CompanyProduct.find(args);

But running this returns:

Error: You need to provide explicit type for CompanyProductArgs#OrderBy

The way to solve this would be using a Custom Scalers (I think), but the type-GraphQL documentation only provide one example in which only one variable gets accepted, but I want to accept an object with 2 keys (take and skip in this case). How would I write a scaller that accepts object such as a pagination object like this:

   take: 10
   skip: 5

1 Answers


The ArgsType decorator flattens everything once injected in Args (Source). I'd recommend using the InputType decorator like this:

class OrderByInputType {
  fieldName: string;

  direction: DirectionEnum;

class PaginationInputType {
  @Field(() => Int)
  take: number;

  @Field(() => Int)
  skip: number;

And then passing them as optional arguments like so:

    @Arg("OrderBy", { nullable: true }) OrderBy?: OrderByInputType,
    @Arg("Pagination", { nullable: true }) Pagination?: PaginationInputType

You could probably do this in a cleaner or compacter way but this should work and you can play around from here!